Welcome back to School!
Our students, staff, teachers, parents, and community members are jumping right into the intense excitement of Barrington Fine Arts activities. Your copy of the Fine Arts Spotlight Calendar is on its way, and all of the information is also online at http://www.barringtonfinearts.com/, or stop by the Fine Arts office at the High School for a extra copy to share.
And please become a member of the Fine Arts Boosters (click here). Your support is greatly appreciated!
Those of you who like to take advantage of technology may wish to add the Fine Arts Calendar to your smart phone's calendar.
Here's the ical format link: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/barringtonfinearts%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
And here's the XML format link: https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/barringtonfinearts%40gmail.com/public/basic
Very handy!